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point in dispute中文是什么意思

用"point in dispute"造句"point in dispute"怎么读"point in dispute" in a sentence


  • 争执点


  • My own recollection differs from dr. lord's, but i see no point in disputing his statement, so let it stand .
  • There is no point in disputing about your mistakes , because we all know who is wrong
    (你不必为自己的错辩解了,因为我们都知道是谁的错。 )
  • The legal status exploit and application of gene resources also become the point in dispute between the developed and the undeveloped . the essay holds the view that efficiency is more important than fairness , in order to encourage the company ' s investment into research and application of gene technology . our state should grant patent to gene technology , but only to discovery of gene ' s function , because excessive monopoly will make negative influence to development of research and industrial application , and do harms to justice
用"point in dispute"造句  


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